Understanding Functional Skills Level 2: A Simple Guide

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ASINT Team June 5, 2024

Enhance your English and Maths skills with Functional Skills Level 2 qualifications. These qualifications are just as valuable as GCSEs and are highly regarded by employers and educational institutions. At A Star Equivalency International, we recommend MME’s Functional Skills Level 2 courses and exams to assist you in achieving these crucial qualifications.

What Are Functional Skills?

Functional Skills are practical English and Maths skills that are essential for everyday life. Unlike traditional academic subjects, they focus on practical skills like problem-solving and clear communication.

What You Learn

English: This includes reading, writing, speaking, and listening, helping you understand and express ideas clearly.

Maths: This involves using numbers, data, and measurements to solve problems in everyday situations.

Why It’s Important

For Jobs: Many jobs require at least Level 2 in Maths and English, making you more employable.

For Education: Level 2 is often a requirement for college courses, apprenticeships, and training programmes.

For Life: The skills you learn are useful for daily tasks, such as managing money or understanding instructions.

Getting Ready

Know the Test: Each subject has its own exam format. English has reading, writing, and speaking & listening tests. Maths has problem-solving tasks.

Use Study Resources: Online courses, practice tests, and textbooks can help you prepare.

Make a Plan: Set aside regular study time for each subject and focus on one thing at a time.

Ask for Help: If you’re struggling, seek support from adult education centres or online forums.

Tips for the Exam

  • Read the questions carefully.
  • Manage your time effectively.
  • Show your workings in Maths.
  • Review your answers if you have time.


It’s important to keep in mind the following text: TEXT: Acquiring Functional Skills Level 2 certifications is crucial for enhancing your proficiency in English and Mathematics. Whether you aspire to boost your career opportunities, pursue higher education, or simply enhance your everyday skills, these certifications can be truly beneficial. With proper preparation and support, you can perform exceptionally well in the exams and elevate your skills. Begin your journey toward achieving Functional Skills Level 2 today.


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A Star Equivalency International Team

We help thousands of students each year with revision, courses and online exams.